Fireworks during Football Matches: A Menace to Animals and People

Football matches are moments of joy and passion, but for several years now, an unacceptable phenomenon has been ruining everything: those damn fireworks! These actual sound bombs, used as a form of “celebration,” are terrifying animals and people around the stadiums. In this article, we will shed light on the problem of fireworks during football matches and the devastating effects they have, emphasizing the absolute need to find alternatives to enjoy the sport without frightening and harming anyone.

Brutal effects on our four-legged friends:

Animals, especially dogs and cats, suffer terribly because of these deafening explosions. During football matches, fireworks terrorize them, causing unimaginable stress and anxiety. Many pets run away or seek refuge in dark corners to protect themselves from this sonic torture. And let’s not forget about the wildlife, disturbed and endangered by the chaos generated by these fireworks.

Consequences on people’s health:

Fireworks during football matches not only harm animals but can also cause serious health problems for people. These extremely intense noises can lead to permanent hearing damage, especially when exposed for long periods of time. Children, the elderly, and individuals with hearing impairments are particularly vulnerable. Moreover, sudden noise can trigger panic attacks, anxiety, and stress in anyone.

Alternative solutions? Are we serious?

To solve this alarming situation, the authorities, football match organizers, and so-called “fans” must stop hiding behind alternative solutions. We cannot tolerate compromises or half-measures! There is no excuse for using fireworks. They should be completely banned, and anyone who uses them should face severe punishment.

A matter of shared responsibility:

Resolving this problem requires a joint effort from everyone involved. Match organizers must implement strict policies, ensuring that these dangerous items are not even remotely present in stadiums and surrounding areas. Authorities must increase surveillance and heavily penalize anyone who dares to set off fireworks. And so-called “fans” must show a minimum level of respect for animals, people, and the environment by ceasing to play with others’ lives, happiness, and freedom.


Fireworks during football matches are a senseless madness that frightens, disturbs, and harms animals and people. We can no longer tolerate this situation! We must fight with all our might to put an end to this sonic barbarism. There is no room for alternative solutions; only a total ban on fireworks is acceptable. It is time to take responsibility and create a safe and enjoyable environment for all sports enthusiasts. Enough with the fireworks, enough with the terror!